At least three people died in a third day of protests and clashes with police -- two in Peshawar and one in Lahore. Authorities said dozens had been injured. Police responded with tear gas as authorities called in Pakistani paramilitary forces to calm the disturbance.
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has been silent. This proves one simple fact. A close ally to the United States in the War on Terror, controversial Muslim leader, and one person who could help calm tensions arisen throughout the world of Islam is mute.
Whether this is purposeful or forced is immaterial. What is important but not yet mentioned is the fact that no Muslim head of state has stepped forward and tried to calm the protests. The current situation is not specific to any individual country in the world of Islam, rather the outrage is justified, but not the subsequent actions. The Muslim leader, president, premier or imam, who speaks out against the rioting and violence would show what the Dutch cartoon did not. The true personification of Muhammad.
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